I have always been that strong Sheena. That person who is always there for people when people would never be present for me. Sometimes I just want to be heard. I want my flaws to be noticed my struggles to be seen but that PRIDE that pride takes you to another level of struggle and strength. I have been a mother since 16 years old. I finished high school an even went obtained a GED and an Associates Degree. I work through the pain the hurt and rage. The only way I get it out is to write my PRIDE away.
I have way too much PRIDE to ask anyone for help AND NOT money wise but just help as in watching my kids for me to get a break, being that support system so I can get this bachelor degree. That listening ear without the running mouth. I always ask myself when you do things for people do you really think if you were in that position would they do the same for you half the time the answer is hell no. Even though I have all this pride I also seem to not be able to say NO lol as mean as I can be I never tell the right people NO. I always tend to put it on my mate and we all know that's not the way at all.
Over the years I have realized how to control the direction I aim my anger. Don't get me wrong, it's still a work in progress but I can say the progress puts a wonderful kool-aid smile on my face. For that I thank you PRIDE!! I’m always going to be that strong Sheena but over the years strong Sheena turned into someone who has her shit together and for that this mother is fulfilling her motherly duties!!